Our service can support you if you don't want to live in residential care but you're finding it difficult to cope at home.
We will visit you to find out the best way we can provide support. This includes matching you with a support worker who can best meet your needs.
It is really important that you feel comfortable around your support worker. We carefully select staff on the basis of their compassion, enthusiasm, skills and experience.
We do our own assessments to ensure we have a full understanding of the care and support needed for clients.
We ensure risk assessments are in place and that they are updated regularly.
Our flexible, personalised packages of support are tailored to meet individual needs and aspirations. Using person centred approaches we listen to, and work with, each person and their network of support to help them plan their support.
By putting in place detailed support plans, risk assessments, and by working in partnership with family members, carers and health and social care professionals, we help each person make choices and take control of their lives. We enable individuals to think about and plan what they want, now and in the future.
Whatever level of support we provide; our aim is to help each person move towards a greater quality of life.